ME Lectures

Week 1 - Program Introduction, Ideation & User Research

  • Find the Mentor Groups spreadsheet (Find Here) to identify who your mentor is

    1. Over the weekend you’ll be added to a slack channel with the rest of your group

    2. Please message Jared if you cannot find your name on the spreadsheet

  • Set up your website

    1. Access the Website Template and make a copy for yourself, or use your own website if you prefer

  • Begin early research for audiences you are interested in and answer the following questions:

    1. What are some of the challenges your audiences face?

    2. What are some details of your audience (ages, profession, economic class, etc)?

    3. Review the slides for Ideation and Definition

  • Add all of these to your website in any way you see fit. Message your mentor when done so they can provide initial feedback

Lecture 1. Introduction, Ideation & User Research

Week 2 - Program Introduction, Ideation & User Research

  • Download your preferred CAD package

    1. Fusion 360 is our recommended package if you are new to CAD or don't have a full version on your personal device. You can download Fusion 360 here

  • Use a CAD package to design a simple skateboard

    1. Don't spend more than 3 hours on this exercise; no need to make the design complicated, we want to see your skill level with the given time constraint.

    2. Upload 3 photos of your skateboard

  • Pick your favorite 3 ideas from last week (audience doesn't matter)

    1. Create and upload at least 2 sketches (NOT CAD) per idea

    2. Include critical part dimensions and label individual parts for your device

    3. For each idea define who your users are, the problem being solved, and the operating conditions of your device

Lecture 2. CAD Basics (Fusion 360)

Due to technical issues we unfortunately were not able to save the recording from lecture 2. The slides do a pretty good job of outlining the tools of Fusion 360 but in lieu of the lecture recording, we have compiled a list of really good videos in the link below.

Week 3 - Material Science 101

  • Select the audience you will be designing for.

  • Choose one idea, iterate on one final sketch and a product description to your slides for your mentor’s approval.

  • Think about the device’s operating conditions, and what types of material would be best suited for your device.

    1. On your website add a section where you list the materials each part of your device will be made out of.

    2. Explain the specific reasons you chose this material (material properties, cost, aesthetic)

  • A CAD design with different materials, ask them to choose what materials and explain the reasoning

Lecture 3. Material Science 101

Week 4 - Manufacturing Methods

On a blog-style post on your website, answer the two following questions in-depth:

  • With your materials in mind, what manufacturing method do you think is best suited for the different parts of your products? (You may discuss multiple methods)

  • What parts of your product would you design and manufacture yourself, and which could potentially be off-the-shelf?

Begin designing your parts in CAD

  • Many of the next deliverables will include tweaking your CAD design. If you do not have a working understanding of CAD, please make sure you watch tutorial videos and design walkthroughs to improve your CAD skills.

  • Upload 2-3 Images of whatever you have designed so far to your website.

Lecture 4 - Manufacturing Methods

Week 5 - Injection Molding

Lecture 5. Injection Molding

Week 6 - Product Design Features

Lecture 6. Product Design Features

Week 7 - DFM & DFA

Lecture 7. DFM & DFA

Week 8/10 - Product Teardown and Program Wrap-Up

Lecture 10. EVT